Saturday, December 1, 2007

Feel sad

Today,I must working project in environment science subject for present in Tuesday ,and study business ethic seminar. I must go to university at 11.00 a.m.,but 11.00a.m. I just stay home ,and then have phone call is my friend,and then he ask me "where are you?" "I stay at home" ,and then he ask me immediately "Now,what time is it? You are ledder." .Then I'm hurry getting to university at 11.30 a.m. ,and then all of us waiting me because all of work ,only me have it.Then we do project at 12.00 p.m. ,and we do it all together,but in short time ,they're talk about his or her joke story ,but only me work project everytime ,but sometimes he or she helped me ,not only talk until 2.00 p.m.,I must studying business ethic seminar.I must to make up class because my section is pass ,and I'm not study,and then I must to make up class.After that I'm went to window 1,I told her to business ethic seminar,I want to make up class ,and then she told me business ethic seminar work only monday to friday only,I'm very sad.I must to make up next section in monday,and then I get back to work.I do that work to 5.00p.m. and then phone rang.My friend invite me to go to siam for watch the movie ,and then go to Central chid rom.Central chid rom have exposition about 60 th years central.My friend interest ,then they want to invite me ,but my dad don't permit ,I'm feel sad again.When 6.00p.m. I got back home ,and I read a book for test in monday,after that I got to bed and tomorrow I must to do this project again ,I must go to sleep because I was very sleepy ,and for to do project again in tomorrow.

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