Sunday, December 16, 2007

Fortune teller

Last Sunday,I went to assumption university for doing the project’s. I must do it before last Tuesday.Then I had a rendezvous at assumption university 11.00a.m.,but when I got at assumption university I didn’t saw my friend ,and I waited about 30 minutes ,and then my friend just come,but we don’t have material for to do this work because all thing are with my friend,so they can’t do anything then we wait.After that we wait 1 hour ,and one of my friend shout
“hey my friend,you want to a fortune teller card?”
I want to go a fortune teller in long time ,but I don’t have time to see buy this time is free ,and then I said immediately
“I want, I want because I want to go to a fortune teller in long time,but I don’t have time for see it” and then my friend laugh J
And then we find a fortune teller ,and then we found a fortune teller in Panasin plus near assumption university. Fortune teller live in room then they walk in that room.We have 6 people we want to see gypsy card ,and then we’re sit in the room ,and fortune teller have a question.
“What do you know fortune teller live in here?” fortune teller said
“I found it because we saw the paper stick with the building near the door”their said
And then they start to see gypsy card. Fortune teller told us they can saw the gypsy person by person if you want ,you wait about in 1 hour.
I see gypsy card last. Fortune teller told to me
“You serious about your facuty”
“Yes” I said
“You are unwilling about your faculty”
“Yes, because my father want to learn faculty of law, but I don’t like it .I hate”
And fortune teller told about love
“Beware, in the future maybe you love in man not girl because your character is same woman”
I’m frightened because I hate gay ,and I don’t want to be a gay,and fortune teller told me about everything.She told about in the future ,and everything if you want ,and then she ask me
“If you want to know about everything ,you ask me ,and pick up 3 gypsy cards”
I ask fortune teller about love because I fall in love someone but she have boyfriend already,so I can’t make relationship with her because if I make relationship with her ,her boyfriend not satisfied me.
Fortune teller told me
“You don’t hope this love because her have boyfriend already”
Then I ask many many question,some question make me amazing because fortune teller told something ,and that she told me is right.When we went to fortune teller already ,we got back home. Fortune teller make me amazing very much

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Interesting experience. I have been to a fortune teller twice and I will NEVER go again. I will find out my faith by sumbling upon it. If you still hat the Law after a year you should consider changing. At that time I would talk to your dad if I were you