Saturday, November 17, 2007

First love

About my first love,first I don't think about love ,and I don't know anything about love until once days,I'm study in mattayom 4 at assumption samutprakarn.My school have girl student in mattayom 4.First day I started learning I shy to look face of all girl students,but I saw one girl student was pretty ,I fall in love but I don't have brave for talk to her.Everyday I'm just look at her in far away only ,once day I want her e-mail for talk in msn because I'm shy ,I'm not have brave for talk to her ,I told my friend I want her e-mail you can beg her e-mail for me?.My friend said "you love her?". I said "I don't know ,but I like her" ,and then my friend beg her e-mail for me immediately.That day I'm was very happy.I talk to her in msn everyday,but mostly I'm quite because I don't know what I talk her.I'm talk to her in msn for 1 year.I have a little brave for talk to her ,I called her ,I talk to her in phone 3 month until one day a man who fall in love with her, and her fall in love that man too.And then,I want calling to her.I called to her ,but she don't accept.I called 2-3 days,but her don't accept ,and then I'm not call to her until once day I saw that man who fall in love her walked with her .At that time I feel very bad,she does my heart broken.That day I cried all day,I'm so sad very much.And then I calm down ,and I told to me that not her fault ,and not that man fault ,but that is my fault because I'm shy,I'm don't have brave,I don't talk to her.Then I told to me if I fall in love somebody ,I must have brave for talk to her .If I don't have brave for talk to her,I'm not get her heart.And every day I tell with myself if you not brave,you can't get anything if you want,and this is my first love ,it has many experience ,and I fix the problem about first love for next my lover

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