Saturday, November 10, 2007

Busy life

In everyday ,I'm boring because I must stay at home,My house was build,I must stay home.
But I stayed home,I helped my mother to clean house and cooked food.I can cook chicken Basil, pork Basil , fried rice ,fried egg ,and omelet.In everyday I got home,I must watch a builder because if nobody who watch a builder ,maybe builder had stolen something ,and if they do not neatness,I can told they to do it.After that if a builder do until 7.00 p.m.,I must to help my mother.I helped to clean house and helped to cook food.I do it until 9.30 p.m. ,and then I take a bath until 10.30 p.m.,and then I goes to do homework, but sometimes I do not finished my homework , I got to sleepy because I was very very tried. and then I sometimes do not finished my homeework.
Why I must do it because if I don't helped my mother, maybe my mother get sick ,and my mother have work hard already ,I want to helpful to my mother, I don't want my mother get sick, and if I'm not help my mother for watch builder doing in they job, sometimes my father cause my mother.My father work at phuket.My father is a lawyer.He work in phuket until now.We had some problem.My home was problem about financial and my grandmother get bright's disease. So in everydays ,I must to help my mother to do anything if I can help her.
I want to help her because I don't want her to get sick That is my reason to help my mother
to do anything.

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