Monday, November 26, 2007

Last weekend

Last weekend,I Stayed at home.I helped my mom about housework,and when I finshed,I go to my room,and I watched korea series in dvd.The name of the series is The vineyard man.The vineyard man was very fun,and romantic.I like this series because I like leading lady in a play.She is superstar ,and singer in korea.She is Yoon-Eun-Hye.She was very cute,and pretty.I want to told about this series.This is series about one woman want to be a designer.She name is Lee-ji-hyun.She work in office ,and once day she make dress and skirt ,and bring it to office ,and then boss in office see it,she want getting that dress and skirt.Then she was plan to steal dress and skirt.once day Lee-ji-Hyun wear the dress.After that boss in office employ somebody to steal that dress ,and then they stolen dress already.Boss in office use the dress for present about that dress she does it .It's very beautiful ,and then that dress was admire to everybody if they see it,but Lee-Ji-Hyun very sad.She does it in her hand ,but it had stolen by her boss. And then she was fired. She stayed at home.once day telephone rang,her mother received
"Hello" her mother said
"Hello,you are Lee-Ji-Hyun's mother ?" her uncle said
“Who are you?”
“I’m Lee-ji-hyun’s uncle”
"Oh!uncle what do you want?"
"I want lee-ji-hyun to stay with me and work in vineyard,and if you do it in 1 year ,I give the vineyard for lee-ji-hyun."
"Of course"
And then her mother sent lee-ji-hyun to the vineyard,and then in vineyard have one man who work in vineyard for long time.My uncle said if you want to practice about vineyard you practice with that man.The man name is Jang Taek Gi.And then they do in vineyard together.Once day Jang Taek Gi loved lee-ji-hyun ,and lee-ji-hyun loved Jang Taek Gi too,but sometimes they have a problem about in vineyard.It’s insect in vineyard,and they’re eat grape and destroy grape trees,but Jang Taek Gi is a chemist ,and then he think about insecticide for kill insect in vineyard after that he do that medicine finish they go to vineyard,and use that medicine already,and then we waiting for result and then the medicine has successful.They can kill insects.We’re very happy. And then lee-ji-hyun ,and Jang Taek Gi were married,and lee-ji-hyun get the vineyard.
This series I like it very much .It's fun and romantic

Saturday, November 17, 2007

First love

About my first love,first I don't think about love ,and I don't know anything about love until once days,I'm study in mattayom 4 at assumption samutprakarn.My school have girl student in mattayom 4.First day I started learning I shy to look face of all girl students,but I saw one girl student was pretty ,I fall in love but I don't have brave for talk to her.Everyday I'm just look at her in far away only ,once day I want her e-mail for talk in msn because I'm shy ,I'm not have brave for talk to her ,I told my friend I want her e-mail you can beg her e-mail for me?.My friend said "you love her?". I said "I don't know ,but I like her" ,and then my friend beg her e-mail for me immediately.That day I'm was very happy.I talk to her in msn everyday,but mostly I'm quite because I don't know what I talk her.I'm talk to her in msn for 1 year.I have a little brave for talk to her ,I called her ,I talk to her in phone 3 month until one day a man who fall in love with her, and her fall in love that man too.And then,I want calling to her.I called to her ,but she don't accept.I called 2-3 days,but her don't accept ,and then I'm not call to her until once day I saw that man who fall in love her walked with her .At that time I feel very bad,she does my heart broken.That day I cried all day,I'm so sad very much.And then I calm down ,and I told to me that not her fault ,and not that man fault ,but that is my fault because I'm shy,I'm don't have brave,I don't talk to her.Then I told to me if I fall in love somebody ,I must have brave for talk to her .If I don't have brave for talk to her,I'm not get her heart.And every day I tell with myself if you not brave,you can't get anything if you want,and this is my first love ,it has many experience ,and I fix the problem about first love for next my lover

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Busy life

In everyday ,I'm boring because I must stay at home,My house was build,I must stay home.
But I stayed home,I helped my mother to clean house and cooked food.I can cook chicken Basil, pork Basil , fried rice ,fried egg ,and omelet.In everyday I got home,I must watch a builder because if nobody who watch a builder ,maybe builder had stolen something ,and if they do not neatness,I can told they to do it.After that if a builder do until 7.00 p.m.,I must to help my mother.I helped to clean house and helped to cook food.I do it until 9.30 p.m. ,and then I take a bath until 10.30 p.m.,and then I goes to do homework, but sometimes I do not finished my homework , I got to sleepy because I was very very tried. and then I sometimes do not finished my homeework.
Why I must do it because if I don't helped my mother, maybe my mother get sick ,and my mother have work hard already ,I want to helpful to my mother, I don't want my mother get sick, and if I'm not help my mother for watch builder doing in they job, sometimes my father cause my mother.My father work at phuket.My father is a lawyer.He work in phuket until now.We had some problem.My home was problem about financial and my grandmother get bright's disease. So in everydays ,I must to help my mother to do anything if I can help her.
I want to help her because I don't want her to get sick That is my reason to help my mother
to do anything.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Last weekend, I went to my high school. My high school had party for everybody if who graduaded in my high school .I graduaded from Assumption College Samutprakarn. That day I was very happy and very fun because I met my old friends ,and my best friends ,or my gang. My gang have 10 persons. We enjoyed this party very much. This party had some food,some drink, and had playing a joke.Joke has very funny. My gang was play joke.Most people likes this joke because it was very funny.When joke was end already,we want to go to my friend house.This house was Kob.Kob was one in my best friend.And Then we were all ready to go to Kob's house.We were out in my high school at 10.00 pm. ,and we got Kob's house about 11.30 pm. .When we got at Kob's house ,we got to his room.After that we took a bath.And then we played Wii nintendo ,I like Wii nintendo very much because it's very fun ,and we got exercise.Wii nintendo had boxing game,tennis game,bowing game,baseball game,and golf game I played with my friend ,I often lost my friend in tennis game,but I always win in boxing game.And then we played ,and played until 3.00 a.m. sunday. After that we were very tired and sleepy.we were sleep at 4.00 a.m. .We got up at 10.00 a.m. ,and then we ate breakfast.After that we want to go to central bangna for watch the movie.And then we hurried to go to central immediately.we got at central ,we ate lunch ,and we booked the ticket.The name of the movie we watched is secret.This movie was romantic.I would liked watching romantic movies,when we watched the movie finished.we got back home.And I liked this weekend bacause I met my friend ,and my bast friend ,or my gang.I want to remember that day about we were funny, we were fun, we were happy,and I sad because my mother ,and my father curse ,I got to home late