Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Two days ago I went to The Mall with my friends. Then, we planed to watch a movie. We choose the enchanted movie. Next, we bought a ticket and going to sizzler restaurant. We ordered chicken steak and chosen some vegetables for salad. When we finished, we went to theater. We walked in theater, it was clear. We can’t see people in this theater but the title movie was begun. We saw the title movie about comedy Chirt and Jar. It was interested for us. Not too long, the title movie was finished and nobody came in the theater. I and my friend were scared because it was clear and calm. We were worried if nobody came in the theater how we do. Then, the man and the girl who came in the theater. We felt better more than the minute.
The enchanted was begun. It’s so surprise for us because it a fairy tale movie.
The enchanted movie explained about the lover. In fairy tale the lover was dreaming but the present the lover was the truth. The princess from the fairy tale came in the world by the witch. The witch was angry the princess because she will marry with her son. Then, she thrust the princess into the pool. When the princess came in the world, she met a bad person. Nobody talked and smiled with her. Then, she was going to the building because it has the place picture. She thought that is her home. Then, Robert and her daughter passed the way. He helped her and given a bed for her on the night. In the morning she woke up and cleans his home. She cut a curtain for made a cloth. Robert was angry and dismiss her form his house. Then, she cried and thank for everything.
Not to long, the prince came in the world because he wanted to help the princess.
It was busy for them. After that, Robert went to the park for sent the princess but he was commiserated. Then, they walked it the park together. The princess was happy. She sings and dances around the park. Not to long, the princess met the prince again and they came back the home. Before they back them going to the broadcast and met Robert again. Robert was surprised when he met her. She’s beautiful and he has a good time with her. They dance together, immediately the witch came in the world and given apple poison. If someone who can’t help her. She was died. Then, Robert kisses her and her wake up again. It a true love with them. They lived together in the world.

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